

Our company Höyry Löyly Oy is specialized in new innovations sauna products. Our Main Product is a
patented ”Löylynsielu”, which is installed in the stowe. The ” Löylynsielu” is quick and easy to install.
This easy to use, high-quality product channels the water directly down in to the middle of the stones.
Therefore the evaporation starts from the bottom instead of coming from the top creating a much softer
and humid atmosphere in the sauna. It still dosen’t stop you from pouring the water on the stones normal

Using the product you can relax in the sauna for longer due to its moisture content. It also facilitates
asthma / breathing problems and all those who suffer from dry skin problems. The product is made of recycled aluminum, long life cycle product. Suitable for all sowes where there is a stone space and the product is a key ticket product made in Finland.
The only such product in the world, protected by the patent!

Info: www.hoyryloyly.fi

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